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Objective 1.1 Practice Task Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist

Objective 1.1 Practice Task Excel 2016 Microsoft Office Specialist

The practice files for these tasks are located in the practice file folder. The folder also contains a subfolder of result files that you can use to check your work
  • Start Excel and then do the following:
    • From the Start screen, create a new workbook based on the built-in Blank workbook template. Save the document in the practice file folder as MyBlank.xlsx.
      Klik Start menu -> Tulis Excel -> Klik microsoft excel

      Klik Blank Workbook

      Berikut adalah hasilnya

      Klik File -> Klik Save -> Pilih tempat untuk menyimpan file dengan klik This PC -> beri nama MyBlank.xlsx

    • In the open workbook, display the New page of the Backstage view. Locate the online template for a mortgage refinance calculator. Create a workbook based on this template. Save the workbook in the practice file folder as MyCalc.docx.
      Klik Home -> Klik More Templates

      Tulis kata kunci mortgage -> Pilih mortgage loan calculator -> Klik Create

      Berikut adalah tampilannya

      Klik File -> Klik Save -> Pilih tempat untuk menyimpan file dengan klik This PC -> beri nama MyBlank.xlsx

  • Open the Excel_1-1 workbook and do the following:
    Download filenya disini
    • Move the Source Data worksheet so it is the last worksheet in the workbook.
      Klik kanan pada Source Data worksheet -> Klik move or copy

      Pilih move to end -> Klik Ok

    • Add a copy of the Source Data worksheet to the open MyBlank workbook as the first worksheet in the workbook.
      Klik kanan pada Source Data worksheet -> Klik move or copy

      Klik To book -> pilih myblank.xlsx -> Klik sheet pertama (By Product) yang ada pada kolom before sheet -> Centang create a copy -> Klik OK

  • Save the Excel_1-1 and MyBlank workbooks.
    • From the Excel_1-1_Results subfolder, open the MyBlank_results, MyCalc_results, and Excel_1-1_results files. Check your work by comparing the documents with those you created.

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